Tot Slot Komma

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» KOM Komm Komma
NOUNdas Komma die Kommas/Kommata
SYNOBeistrich Komma Kommata
Komma {n}
didymisches Komma {n}
Didymic commamus.
einstellbares Komma {n}
adjustable point
Komma-Wolke {f}
comma cloudmeteo.
pythagoreisches Komma {n}
Pythagorean commamus.
septimales Komma {n}
septimal commamus.
syntonisches Komma {n}
syntonic commamus.
null Komma nichts [ugs.]
zilch {pron}[coll.]
bugger all [Br.][coarse]
sod-all [Br.][sl.]idiom
Komma {n} von Didymus
comma of Didymus [syntonic comma]mus.
auf Punkt und Komma [fig.][sorgfältig, genau]
painstakingly {adv}
in null Komma Josef [ugs.][bes. österr.][Redewendung]
in a flash {adv}[idiom][very quickly]
in null Komma nichts [ugs.]
double-quick {adj}{adv}
in a wink {adv}[coll.]
in nothing flat {adv}[coll.]
in null Komma nichts [ugs.][Redewendung]
in no time {adv}
at the drop of a hat {adv}[coll.][idiom]
before you can say Jack Robinson {adv}[coll.][dated][idiom]
in two shakes (of a dog's tail) {adv}[coll.][idiom]idiom
in null Komma nichts [ugs.][Redewendung][in Blitzesschnelle]
in a flash {adv}[idiom][very quickly]
in null Komma nix [ugs.][Redewendung]
in nothing flat {adv}[coll.][idiom]
Null Komma Periode drei [0,333...]
zero point three repeating [0.333...]math.
ohne Punkt und Komma [ugs.][Redewendung][unentwegt, pausenlos]
without interruption {adv}[talk]
without pausing for breath {adv}[talk]
durch Komma getrennte Werte {pl}
comma separated values <CSV>
Stelle {f} nach dem Komma [das im Englischen ein Punkt ist]
decimal place
Stellen {pl} hinter dem Komma
auf zwei Stellen hinter dem Komma genau
accurate to two decimal places {adj}math.
Hier muss ein Komma stehen.
There should be a comma here.
mit einer Genauigkeit von zwei Stellen hinter dem Komma
with an accuracy of two digits after the decimal point
Null Komma fünf ist (gleich) ein halb. <0,5 = ½>
(Zero) point five equals one half. <0.5 = ½>
ein Buch in null Komma nichts durchlesen [ugs.]
to whip through a book in no time
ohne Punkt und Komma reden [Redewendung]
to talk nineteen to the dozen [idiom][talk incessantly]
Früher Komma-Dickkopffalter {m}
large skipper [Ochlodes sylvanus, syn.: O. venatus, O. venata][butterfly]entom.T
Komma-Dickkopf {m}
common branded skipper [Hesperia comma][butterfly]entom.T
silver-spotted skipper [Hesperia comma][butterfly]entom.T
holarctic grass skipper [Hesperia comma][butterfly]entom.T
Yosemite branded skipper [Hesperia comma][butterfly]entom.T
Komma-Dickkopffalter {m}
silver-spotted skipper [Hesperia comma]entom.T
common branded skipper [Hesperia comma][butterfly]entom.T
holarctic grass skipper [Hesperia comma][butterfly]entom.T
Komma-Eule {f}[Nachtfalterspezies]
shoulder-striped wainscot [Leucania comma, syn.: Mythimna comma, Phalaena comma]entom.T
Komma-Zwergschnecke {f}
common spire shell [Rissoa parva, syn.: R. interrupta, R. parva var. interrupta, Rissoa parva, Cingula parva, Pusillina parva, Rissoia edgariana, Turboella interrupta, Turboella parva]zool.T
small spire shell [Rissoa parva, syn.: R. interrupta, R. parva var. interrupta, uropean Names: Rissoa parva, Cingula parva, Pusillina parva, Rissoia edgariana, Turboella interrupta, Turboella parva]zool.T
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  3. (NOTE: Some of the findings presented in this talk have been referenced in an ongoing debate among social scientists about robustness and reproducibility. Read 'Criticisms & updates' below for more details as well as Amy Cuddy's response.) Body language affects how others see us, but it may also change how we see ourselves. Social psychologist Amy Cuddy argues that 'power posing.

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