Texas Holdem No Limit Rules

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Texas Hold'em No-limit and pot-limit games, without exception. In limit games, when there are three or more players involved and all players have not gone all-in, games with two betting rounds (draw or lowball) will allow a bet, plus four raises. In a game which involves three or more betting rounds, the maximum raises allowed are three. No Limit Texas Hold’em. The No Limit part of No Limit Texas Hold’em is referring to the fact players can raise or bet all of their chips at any time during a session. Basically if you have $100 in front of you and you like what you see in your hand (and in any Community Cards) you can push all of your chips into the pot.

Texas Hold’em is the world’s most popular form of poker, thanks in large part to the World Series of Poker and other televised poker tournaments that have brought the game to the masses. Texas Hold’em is both easy to play, making it ideal for those just learning about poker, and filled with incredible depth and strategy, making it a game that challenges even professional players. If you need a refresher on the Texas Hold’em Rules, this article should help you get started in this great poker game.

Texas Hold’em Basic Poker Rules

Texas Hold’em is played with a standard deck of 52 cards. The object of the game is to make the best possible five-card poker hand using any combination of the two card’s in a player’s hand (known as the “hole cards”) and the five community cards that the dealer places in the middle of the table, which can be used by all players. The standard hand rankings are used, as follows (from best to worst):

  • Straight Flush: Any five cards of the same suit and consecutive rank; the best of these hands, AKQJT of a single suit, is known as a Royal Flush. For these and regular straights, aces may be played as high or low cards.
  • Four of a Kind: Any four cards of the same rank.
  • Full House: Any three cards from a single rank combined with a pair from a different rank (i.e., TTT55).
  • Flush: Any five cards of the same suit.
  • Straight: Any five cards of consecutive ranks (i.e., 34567).
  • Three of a Kind: Any three cards of the same rank.
  • Two Pair: Any two pairs of cards from the same ranks (ie, 5599A).
  • One Pair: Any two cards of the same rank.
  • High Card: Hands that do not fit any of the above categories are ranked based on the highest card in their hand (aces are high), then by the second highest card, and so on.

Let’s look at these poker hand rankings again visually.

Typically, a game of Texas Hold’em will be played with anywhere from two to ten players at a table. Games with more players are possible, since each player only needs two cards for themselves, but games with more than 11 players at a single table are rare.

Games of Texas Hold’em may be played with many different betting structures. Common ones include Limit Hold’em, where the amount a player may bet is set by the rules of the game, and No Limit Hold’em, where players are free to bet as much of the money they have at the table as they wish at any time. Other structures include Pot Limit Hold’em and Spread Limit Hold’em.

Texas Hold’em Rules: Flow of a Hand

At the beginning of the first hand of play, one player will be assigned the dealer button (in home games, this player will also traditionally act as the dealer for that hand). The player immediately to the left of the button must post the small blind, while the player two seats to the left of the button must post the big blind. The size of these blinds is typically determined by the rules of the game. If any ante is required – common in a tournament situation – players should also contribute it at this point.

Once all blinds have been posted and antes have been paid, the dealer will deal two cards to each player. Each player may examine their own cards. The play begins with the player to the left of the big blind. That player may choose to fold, in which case they forfeit their cards and are done with play for that hand. The player may also choose to call the bet, placing an amount of money into the pot equal to the size of the big blind. Finally, the player can also choose to raise, increasing the size of the bet required for other players to stay in the hand.

Moving around the table clockwise, each player may then choose to take any of those options: folding, calling the current bet, or raising the bet. A round of betting ends when all players but one have folded (in which case the one remaining player wins the pot), or when all remaining players have called the current bet. On the first round of betting, if no players raise, the big blind will also have the option to check, essentially passing his turn; this is because the big blind has already placed the current bet amount into the pot, but hasn’t yet had a chance to act.

Assuming there are two or more players remaining in the hand after the first round of betting, the dealer will then deal out three community cards in the middle of the table. These cards are known as the flop. Play now begins, starting with the first player to the left of the dealer button (if every player is still in the hand, this will be the small blind). Players have the same options as before; in addition, if no bet has yet been made in the betting round, players have the option to check. A round of betting can also end if all players check and no bets are made, along with the other ways discussed above.

If two or more players remain in the hand after the second round of betting, the dealer will place a fourth community card – known as the turn – on the table. Once again, a round of betting ensues, using the same rules outlined above. Finally, if two or more players are still around after the third round of betting, the dealer will place the final community card – the river – on the table. One last round of betting will commence.

After this final round of betting, all remaining players must reveal their hands. The player with the best hand according to the hand rankings above will win the pot. If two or more players share the exact same hand, the pot is split evenly between them. After each hand, the button moves one seat to the left, as do the responsibilities of posting the small and big blinds.

Texas Hold'em is by far the most popular poker game, both live and offline. There are basically three versions of the game: No Limit Hold'em, Fixed Limit Hold'em, and Pot Limit Hold'em. Each form of the game has the same basic rules; only the betting structures are different. This article will explain Texas Hold'em as a general game, and then explain the differences between each betting structure.

Objective of Texas Hold'em

Texas Hold'em is a poker game where players bet money in hopes of winning the collective pot. There are two ways that a player can win the pot: either by making a bet to which everyone folds, or by showing down the best hand. The first situation would occur if you made a bet, and every other player decided they didn't want to call. You'd be the only player left in the hand, and thus would win the pot. In the second situation, the hand would go all the way to the river, and whoever has the best hand wins.

Since hands are dealt randomly, every player has an equal chance of winning a random hand at showdown. However, winning players increase their odds by playing with proper Texas Hold'em strategy. By folding when you have a bad hand, and betting more when you have a good hand, you can increase your long term win rate. After you learn how to play Hold'em, make sure to read our No Limit Hold'em poker strategy to get some great tips for winning more money.

Texas Hold'em Structure

Texas Hold'em is usually played at a table with 9-10 players. Tables are referred to based on their betting limits. For example, a $1/$2 table would have a small bet of $1 and a big bet of $2. The dealer is initially determined by dealing each player one card face up. Whoever has the highest card will be the dealer. The dealer position rotates clockwise around the table, and moves one position after each hand. As you'll learn, it is beneficial to be in dealer position. Here's a diagram of how the table would look:

Rules of Texas Hold'em

The rules of Texas Hold'em are fairly simple, and once you play a few hands you'll have the hang of things. Keep reading to learn all the rules of the game.

Posting the Blinds and Dealing the Cards

The game starts with two players making forced bets called 'blinds'. There are two blinds - the small blind and the big blind. The small blind is equal to one small bet, and is paid by the player directly to the left of the dealer. The big blind is equal to one big bet, and is paid by the player directly to the left of the small blind, which would be two seats to the left of the dealer.

After the blinds are posted, each player at the table will receive two face down cards. The cards are dealt out one at a time, and start with the small blind and progress clockwise around the table until each player has two cards. After everyone has their two cards the first betting round begins.

First Betting Round

Now that everyone has cards the first betting round will begin. The player to the left of the big blind is the first to act, and can either call, fold, or raise. A call would require that player putting an amount of money into the pot equal to the big blind. A raise would require that player putting an amount of money into the pot equal to at least 2x the big blind.

After the first player acts, betting continues around the table clockwise. Each player can either call the previous bet, fold, or raise the previous bet. Whenever someone raises they have to make it at least 2x the size of the previous raise. For example, if a player made a $6 raise, the next raise would have to be to at least $12. The big blind is in a unique position, because if the pot is never raised he/she has the option to check meaning that he/she wouldn't put any money in the pot, and the betting round would end.

The first betting round ends once every player has folded or called the highest bet. After that, you deal out the flop.

The Flop

After the first betting round, you'll deal out the first round of community cards, called the Flop. The dealer should first 'burn' the top card, meaning that he/she would place that top card to the side face down.

Then, deal out the next three cards face up in the middle of the table. These three cards are community cards, and can be used by any player in combination with his/her hole cards to make the best possible five card poker hand.

After the flop is dealt out, there is another betting round. This round begins with the small blind, and progresses around the table clockwise. Each player has the option to bet (if no one has bet), check (if no one has bet yet), raise (if there has been a previous bet), or fold (if there has been a previous bet).

The betting round ends when every player has folded or called the largest bet.

The Turn

After the flop betting is completed, the dealer will burn another card, then place the next card face up in the middle of the table. This will make a total of four community cards that can be used by each player to make the best possible poker hand. Now there's another betting round that is exactly the same as the flop betting round: starting with the small blind (or the first person to the left of the dealer who is still in the hand), move clockwise around the table.

The River

After the betting on the turn is over the dealer will burn one card, then place a final card face up in the middle of the table. Now there are a total of five community cards that each player can use. Once again, there is a betting round starting with the player directly to the left of the dealer. If more than one player stays in for this betting round, there is a showdown to determine who wins the pot.

The Showdown

Texas Holdem No Limit Betting Rules

If more than one player goes to the end of the hand, each player flips over their cards to determine who wins the pot. Normal poker hand rankings are used to determine the winner. Here's a chart showing the poker hand rankings:

Hand Rank:Hand:Example Hand:
#1Straight FlushT-J-Q-K-A of the same suit
#2Four of a KindA-A-A-A-K
#3Full HouseK-K-K-Q-Q
#4Flush2-6-8-9-A of the same suit
#5Straight5-6-7-8-9 Off Suit
#6Three of a KindJ-J-J-4-8
#7Two PairJ-J-K-K-A
#8One PairA-A-8-7-4
#9High CardA-K-5-4-3

In the event of a tie, the winner is determined by how high his/her hand is. For example, if two players have straights, the higher straight will win the hand.

Betting Structures


Like I mentioned before, Texas Hold'em is usually played in either No Limit, Fixed Limit, or Pot Limit forms. No Limit means that you can bet any amount you want at any time, as long as the bet is at least the size of the big bet for the table, or at least twice the size of any previous raise. Pot Limit is exactly the same, except the maximum bet you can make at any time is equal to the current size of the pot.

Fixed Limit means that the betting structure is fixed, and there are small bets and big bets. The small bet is the size of the table's big blind, and the big bet is twice the size of the table's big blind. If you play at a $1/$2 Fixed Limit table, the big bet would be $2, the small bet would be $1, the big blind would be $1, and the small blind would be $0.50.

Before the flop and on the flop, players can only bet increments of the small bet. So, for example, if you were at the $1/$2 table, you could only make preflop raises in $1 increments, and flop bets/raises in $1 increments. However, on the turn and river you use the big bet. So in this case you could bet in increments of $2 on the turn and the river.

Variations of Texas Hold'em

Here are some common variations of the Texas Hold'em game:

Royal Hold'em

Royal Hold'em is played exactly the same as normal Texas Hold'em, but the deck only contains 10's, Jacks, Queens, Kings, and Aces.


Texas Holdem No Limit Betting Rules

Pineapple is the same as Texas Hold'em, but each player gets three hole cards at the start of the hand, and has to discard one of them later in the hand.

Double Board Hold'em

All players get the same number of hole cards, but there are two sets of community cards. The winner is chosen for each board with each winner getting half the pot, or if one hand is best for both boards that player can get the whole pot.


Players get two cards from a smaller deck, which contains no cards lower than a seven. A five card board is dealt one card at a time, with a betting round happening after each card is dealt.

Texas Hold'em Tournaments

Texas Hold'em is the most common poker game played in tournaments, such as the World Series of Poker. In a tournament, chips are used in place of money as a player's bet. All players pay a fixed buy-in and start with the same number of chips. The game continues until one player ends up with all the chips in play. The majority of players in a tournament usually get little or no money, but the top finishers receive many times their buy-in.

In these tournaments, blinds and antes will increase on a regular basis and can become much bigger towards the end of the tournament. Play in tournaments is usually much more aggressive, because of the ever increasing blinds. Mathematics and strategy play an important part in whether a player wins or loses in the long run. Learn more about No Limit Hold'em Tournament Strategy.

Where to Play Texas Hold'em

Once you learn the basics, now its time to try out your luck online. Our top rated Hold'em site is Full Tilt Poker, so read more to see if they are the site for you. Or, check out all of the online Texas Hold'em Sites.

Texas Holdem No Limit Raise Rules

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